July and August was extremely hot and bussy for us. For one side we were limited by Minion’s recovery, on the other side and for the same reason we added some other activities unusual for us.

I must say that a 5 minutes short walk three times a day is really not much. Minion started to behave madly, so did I 🙁 By now we are on 30 minutes walks that’s much better.

As soon as it was possible we started to rehabilitate. It was necessary to explain to Minion that she should start using all the four legs (as usually all the poodles do), despite she doesn’t matter to run on the spare three ones.

Once a week we are going to hydrotherapies.

Three times a day we make at home special exersizes for gaining the muscles again and for learning Minion to use the fourth leg again properly (and not wearing it like a ladies purse).

We go swimming to our azure blue pool, as all the ponds nearby are badly green…

Just when Minion was in heat, we were forced to swim in the pond unless our poodle boys could go crazy…

The good thing is that the bone is grow together right now, so since that moment we should return to a normal activity regime in about sixty days. For the future, it’s sure we won’t be able to continue in agility or coursing, but we’re looking forward to our caniscrooss in our forests 🙂