This January was a little bit less active for us from what we’ve planned. But finally it was funny and mostly white 🙂


We’ve extended the dog gym equipment with some new gadgets. We’re strenghtening the body core, the knees…and we’re tiring the dog brains 🙂 You should see how tired they are after few minutes of thinking and ballancing. For me an ideal activity to supplement winter short days.


At the beginning of January I’ve accompanied Jerry’s bro Hurma and his ownerladies to the airport on their way back home to Finland.

Tessie got a new dog bed in her micro size. Sometimes also Minion tries to get in 🙂 BTW we also have huge dog beds at home, but they’re probably not very IN.

The days started to be longer a little, despite that we mostly made dark walks. I’m glad we bought the illuminated collars.

Due to holidays and because of I was ill our grooming interval got too long and finally I didn’t know where to start. So I started with Jerry. Truly amazing dog <3.


And one more show animation