My diploma thesis was about food allergy in dogs generally and there are also statistics about poodle breed inside. Big…
Puppies 3 weeks
Puppies were 3 weeks old. They are small dogs now and they’re discovering the world. On the photos they’re outside…
Puppies are 14-d-o and got names
(Čeština) Štěňátka velkého pudla v chs Ambershades mají 14 dní a dostala jména.
Puppies are one week old
The puppies are one week old. They are growing up quickly, they have twice weight compared to the birth. More…
Puppies are here!
The puppies are here! They were deliverd on June 9. There are 5 boys and three girls, both apricots and…
Puppies on the way
Sonography confirmed we are expecting puppies! More information on the puppy’s page.
Poodle hair under a microscope
We did an interesting experiment as a semestral work for the subject Biomechanics in the University I attend. We examined mechanical…
Maja’s new hairstyle
Maja‘s got new hair style – a terrier clip. According to the new poodle standard is this clip authorised for…