I’ve received very nice letter from our China (Anniversary China Ambershades), where she and her ownerlady describe all the experiences they’d had during whole year.

I’m trully glad and want to thank to whole family for the care of China.

Hello Daniela,

congratulations to the puppies, they’re really cute, I would like to cuddle them all.

I know it’s been long since I wrote the last time news about China. Acualy, it’s been a year since I’ve sent the last news and photographs. We were to busy at all…

There are some news from our fluffy companion.

The last summer China spent whole month in Kolin with our friends who were caring for her when we were in wells. She was helping them with pouring the garden and also assisting to their medium poodle pack with barking.

China was a true hairy monster before leaving for Kolin.

When we arrived for picking her up, she had a wonderful summer clip.

Our balcony view. China is just observing in silent, when something catches her attention, not barking.

In September, China was confusing walks with degustations of anything possible so I lost the patience…

October walks, fur grooming and a trip to Chocen, where she enjoyed running on garden with a tennis ball 🙂

Home playing



Autumn visit in Jiri

„I also want to pose for a picture“

In November we’re lazy as never 🙂

On December 1st there fell first snow

Pure joy 🙂

December winter laziness

On Christmas holiday we left for mountains to Janske Lazne. I’m not sure if China enjoyed more the snow or two labrador girls that were accompanying our friends. The girls were of the same size, hair colour, but about 10 kg heavier. In my opinion it was the snow, as she saw this big ammount of it for the first time in her life.

The main advantage (at least for our children) there was a second christmas present surprise, that they’ve found in the mountain cottage under the christmas tree. China also got a suprise – three nice tennis balls, used from tennis play before because these are trully the best 🙂

In February we’ve had a lot of time for playing and sleeping. China doesn’t matter if she thumbs in between rails with trains running around her 🙂

And after having a nice and snowy winter, we were having a hairy monster dog again. So we drove to Kolin for the grooming.

„Can you see me? I don’t see nothing.“

„I look nice, don’t I?“

„Let me sleep, it was such a bussy day for me!“

On last March day we’ve made a trip to a further part of our home town. It should have been just few kilometers long trip. Finally we spent a whole day outside. It’s been relatively warm so we let China to run the stream. Our vet dog was so happy. She was running, jumping and really enjoing that. She got dry before we returned home.

In April we made a trip along Vltava river and Slapy reservoir, that was at least for me a little bit exhausting. The pathway is very narrow and mostly leads with a rock on one side and escarpment for the water on the other side. Dad, children, uncle and China enjoyed that a lot, I was a little bit nervous about the children and China not to fall in the water.

„I should go through? Actually, there’s dark inside.“

„I like the water, what pitty it’s so deep.“

„Can I jump into it?“

„What is this? And why’re we standing here?”  Water power station.

In May we made our traditional trip to Jachymov. One day the rain poured us to the bones, other trips were without rain.

The next day we visited our favourite pathways in Bozi Dar.

During the trip to Rotava we used a bad way and climbed there from an impassable side. What a surprise when we met other ten tourists on the top and we found out that from the correct side it is very easily accessible place.


Before the climb

Is this the way?

On the top

Basalt organ

I want to walk the dog!

We’ve made a very detailed research of the former tin ore factory in Rolava. Our children liked the most the snow, China liked the most the water from the melting snow.



June grooming

Right now, China is thumbing under the table by my legs faithfully. In summer there is a little bit hot in our flat, but outside there’s even hotter. Our afternoon walk are lazy and slow, we’re returning home grilled as sausagges.