Our Anniversary litter’s celebrated 13 months at July 9. We have nice pictures and news from Woody. He’s a great…
First lure coursing training
As both Diamond and Minion passed the first year, we can start to be a little more active and add…
Anniversary litter’s celebrated 1st birthday
Our babies from the Anniversary litter’ve celebrated their 1st birthday on 9/6. All of them are great dogs of lovely…
Anniversary litter 11 months old
Better later than never – we bring the news from the 11th month of life of our beautiful Anniversary “puppies”.…
Succesful weekend of the blond Anniversary sisters
This weekend was very succesful for our blond ANNIVERSARY blond sisters – China and Minion. The photo documentation is in…
Minion’s got first BOB
Me and Minon have participated a CACIB show at České Budějovice (CZE). The poodles were judged by Ms. Taťjana Novotná…
Anniversary babies 10 months old
Our Anniversary babies became a month older again and they’ve celebrated 10 months last Saturday. And how are they? Diamond…
Minion in the youth class for the first time
Minion was entered a Prague clubshow on March 13, for the first time in youth class. The poodles were judged…
Anniversary babies 9 months old
Our Anniversary babies‘ve celebrated 9 months this week. They’ve grown up quickly in funny long legged big dogs. It’s just…
Anniversary babies 8 months old
Better later than never! Our babies became 8 months old at the beginning of February. It is incredible how the…